Thursday, September 30, 2010

My First Entry - 1st October 2010

Wow... I finally managed to set up a blog ! And I really need one...

I am so inspired by 266's blog, and I think it was Godsent that I stumbled upon it just as I am starting out on this lifestyle change. Here is what I am hoping to achieve through this blog :

1. An outlet to express my thoughts and emotions through this lonely journey
2. I am hoping to receive encouragement and advice from those who have been there, done that
3. Having a blog to update as and when I like will also help me maintain my focus, and get me back in focus in case I lose track !

Here is my goal :

I want to lose all my excess weight, in a healthy manner ... which would include eating right and exercise.

Next year , on my birthday , I want to look and feel different . Next year, I will be a different person , for the better, in all ways possible. I am already on my journey. With each passing day, I am one step closer !

The scale this morning read 97kg ( 213.4 Ibs). When I started this journey five weeks back, I hit an all-time high of 102kg ( 224.4 Ibs ) My weighing scale was broken for a couple of months, and that was the period I stopped weighing myself... was balancing dangerously on 98kg
(215.6 Ibs) when I last weighed myself.

During the absence of the weighing scale, I went on a guilt-free rampage , stuffing my face endlessly and mindlessly with no worries or restrictions. That would explain the jump ! And boy, did it jolt the life out of me !

When you are fat, people think ... what does a few more kg mean ? The fat person is doomed to be fat her whole life anyway. Stereotype ! And so many other stereotypes to deal with too ! Urgh !

I read Susan Blech's "Confessions of a Carb Queen" some weeks back, and that was my first motivating factor that made me take this step and change my lifestyle. I will be eternally grateful to her for this ! I had a long talk with my close friend, who also has a weight problem... and we decided that we will make a change together. Doing this with a friend would definitely be very motivating. However, my friend did not start , and I feel a bit let down about that, but I will not let that get me down !

So here goes, my first entry .... the start to many more ! Off on my journey ....